joe cabral
Hard as it's been to get some time where we can all make it, we finally did. If you are unfamiliar with The Jackals, it was the sequel to 007 which became 00-Doug when drummer Jeffrey Clemens wasn't around. Lip service had to be paid to those voices that attempt minor potential gains through strict name recognition, so we changed the name to The Jackals. Now it is vastly distinguished from 007. You'll see!
Anyway we are at The Circle bar this Wednesday at 10pm.
Be there or don't. But...
As Louis Armstrong said "I never was born to be a Square about anything, no matter what it is..."
How about you?
The lineup is:
doug garrison
Alex Mcmurray- guitar, vocals
Jonathan Freilich- guitar
Joe Cabral-bass, vocals
Doug Garrison-drums
alex mcmurray