Also appearing at Skeriks's Saucefest
For those of you with that real spirit of musical adventure...I will be playing at Skerik's Saucefest, at Hi-ho Lounge on Tuesday May 1st. I don't know what time and neither will you- so MAKE IT!
For those of you with that real spirit of musical adventure...I will be playing at Skerik's Saucefest, at Hi-ho Lounge on Tuesday May 1st. I don't know what time and neither will you- so MAKE IT!
Will be performing with the New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars at The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival on Sunday, April 29.
The All-Star lineup will be:
Joe Cabral-Bass
Glenn Hartman-Accordion, Keys
Jonathan Freilich-Guitar
Ben Ellman- Saxophone
Stanton Moore-drums
David Rebeck-Violin
You don't want to miss this.