Successful day of recording with The New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars

Ben Ellman: note the shirt & NOKAS drummer Kevin O'DayWe congregated in New Orleans last Friday at Galactic studios and made a start on a recording that looks to be really different from previous outings of the last 20 years...

Ben Ellman

Glenn Hartman

Dave Rebeck

Joe Cabral

Jonathan Freilich

Stanton Moore


We all were there.  Ben manned the controls.  But special thanks to Bobby Mack who made the day even easier and the reflections even more entertaining!

Upcoming performance with New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars at Jazzfest 2012

Will be performing with the New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars at The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival on Sunday, April 29.

The All-Star lineup will be:

Joe Cabral-Bass

Glenn Hartman-Accordion, Keys

Jonathan Freilich-Guitar

Ben Ellman- Saxophone

Stanton Moore-drums

David Rebeck-Violin


You don't want to miss this.