ESPLANADE at Improv Conference 2019

The screening and Q & A went extremely well. We hope to have more coming up but so far thanks for all the support and look for soundtrack announcements and more.

Is strongly encourage a look at the fantastic program during the conference. It really offers an edifying program that will somewhere have appeal for folks from all walks with a plethora of curiosities and great speakers.


'Esplanade', film by Gamble and Freilich, accepted into New Orleans film festival

The film we worked on together has been accepted. The date isn’t set. It is in the Louisiana shorts category. Our film runs 35mins. There is a taster in the post below if you haven’t checked it out.

It is a tight audio visual collaboration between David Gamble and I. The film is in 16mm. The sound is mixture of electro acoustic music and some pieces with a few great players in town- Nobu Ozaki, Martin Krusche, Cyrus Nabipoor, Stephanie Nilles, Phil DeGruy, Glenn Hartman, Annie Ellicott.

We are happy, it’s competitive. Stay tuned and we will give the date of that showing as well as one other coming up in November.

The New Orleans Film Festival runs October 16-22. It’s a great event. Here is their blurb on their website…



Taster of 'Esplanade'- a collaborative film nearing completion

For about 18 months I have been involved in a fascinating film/music collaboration with artist, David Gamble. It is neither a soundtrack to a film, nor a music video…finally!

Anyway it is an exciting work. Here is a taster. I composed all the music.

David Gamble is a great artist and portrait photographer. For more info on him go here…


33 Likes, 7 Comments - David Gamble (@davidgambleartist) on Instagram: "New Film Taster "ESPLANADE" By David Gamble and Jonathan Freilich. #neworleans orleans #film..."
