Part 3 of Audio interview with Geoffrey Douville of Egg Yolk Jubilee is up

Long overdue- the penultimate section of interview by New Orleanian, Geoffrey Douville, pictured below with the banjo marching with Egg Yolk Jubilee.

Geoff goes on to describe the relationship and impact of his film practices to his musical thinking.  This segment goes very heavily into things he likes in film creativity. it's on the interviews page, here...

Part 2 of audio interview/ conversation with Geoffrey Douville of Egg Yolk Jubilee

Jeff Douville marching with Egg Yolk Jubilee

Jeff Douville marching with Egg Yolk Jubilee

In this segment, Geoff goes on to discuss his involvements with film, more on Danny Barker, New Orleans Rhythm and Blues performer/ audience relationships in music and a handful of other interesting subjects.

Take a listen- get involved in some more sides of the New Orleans music world of today and the past!

The Interview can be found on the interviews page, here...