playing tonight 7/17-stellar lineup at Cafe Istanbul, NOLA 10pm

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Tonight 7/17 will be a special Naked On The Floor show at Cafe Istanbul-  in the Marigny.

The lineup will be- 

Rick Trolsen- Trombone
Jeff Albert- Bass Trombone
Tim Green- Tenor Sax
James Singleton-Bass
Jonathan Freilich Guitar
Paul Thibodeaux- drums

   New arrangements, compositions, and band personnel.   

   Support for this great varietal of improvised, sociable music is critical and your presence is the provider. The playing will be spiked with musical titillation to show our gratitude for your attention.  

   You also get to be helping, by default, a great club that is showcasing many more varieties of worthy, novel , soulful expression.


New Recording by Carl LeBlanc

My old guitar teacher, friend, and brilliant New Orleans musician, Carl Leblanc has just released his brand new recording- Those Who Have Ears.  It's available at CD Baby amongst other services and... help out an artist and pick up a copy.

I wrote a string quartet arrangement for one of the pieces on the record and am honored to find out that he wanted to use it on its own for the finale of the record.  It's called Hesed if you pick up a copy.

Carl is a great guitarist and all around musician who always comes out with a landscape of musical statements on record that really shows all he can breathe life into for a listener.  He has played on some key New Orleans recordings and has played in many of the greatest groups associated with the city including the Dirty Dozen Brass Band and Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Allen Toussaint- (actually the list is so extensive- I'll let you music fans seek out the rest of the bio information).  He was also guitarist for the Sun Ra Arkestra for about 9 years and luckily my generous guitar teacher for a long time. 

This one is worth checking out and many great musicians were involved...