A conversation on the current New Orleans music scene with Mark Bingham, Helen Gillet, Michael Dominici, and Jonathan Freilich

A slightly different format audio recording has just gone up on the music interviews page.  It's a four way conversation and I've left it full length for this site.

WWOZ radio DJ, Michael Dominici had the idea to take some of what has been happening in these interviews and take it onto WWOZ during his radio show.  There were time constraints that didn't allow us, with our summer schedules, to do this live so we pre-recorded it on May 28th, 2011. Mark Bingham allowed us to do the interview at Piety St. Studios so we sat down for about an hour and discussed a few things pertaining to recording, time perception, thinking of music for now, anachronistic music, and observations on a few other musicians around the scene including Quintron, Ratty