interview with Phil Degruy/Cranston Clements

Cranston Clements

Cranston Clements

Phil DeGruy

Phil DeGruy

… a rambling conversation with two killer guitar players and subversive musical comedians from New Orleans, Phil DeGruy, and Cranston Clements. They often perform together as The Self-Righteous Brothers. In this episode we eventually meander through their musical origin stories. Light listening on heavy topics…or is it the other way around?

The Interview is here…


Interview with David Immergluck for the Banjo Studio Podcast

I recently interviewed David Immergluck, the multi-instrumentalist dripping with personality who is quite notorious for his long membership in the Counting Crows, as well as Camper Van Beethoven, John Hiatt, and Monks of Doom. He also has an intriguing new project with Dave Alvin that you can find out about in the interview. It is really worth hearing.

The link is here…

Banjo Studio says:

David Immergluck is an American multi-instrumentalist who is best known as a guitarist in the alternative rock bands Counting Crows, Camper Van Beethoven and the Monks of Doom, as well as for his tenure with American singer-songwriter John Hiatt. A versatile musician, Immerglück plays mandolin, pedal steel guitar, bass, slide guitar, electric sitar, keyboards, and sings.

David Immergluck

David Immergluck


Podcast: Interview with guitar giant, Steve Khan for Banjo Studio

I’m really happy to see this conversation I had with Steve Khan just posted. Really worth checking out if you are interested in music for the last 40 or so years. Without hesitation, if you have ever sat around trying to get around a guitar. And look at that ES-335- a favorite machine for some folks around here too.

The link to the podcast…

The Banjo Studio says:

In this episode, we talk with the legendary jazz guitarist Steve Khan. Steve has had an extensive recording career as a solo artist, one that encompasses some 30 albums as a leader - from 1977's "TIGHTROPE" to 2019's "PATCHWORK." Perhaps beginning with his groundbreaking group, Eyewitness , he has devoted himself to creating a place for the guitar as a principal melodic voice in Latin jazz. In a recent cover story, Steve was referred to as "The Voice of the Guitar In Latin Jazz."

The conversation was fascinating and enjoyable for me. You might also check out Steve’s website where he wrote about this any many other things too. Here is the link to STEVE KHAN’S SITE…

Steve Khan

Steve Khan


Interviewed by Jeff Albert for the Scratch my Brain podcast

Jeff Albert runs an intriguing podcast. He also recently ditched Facebook because he is better at being decisive about the losing direction than many. Jeff is a hell of a musician, educator, and music event conspirer. This series is worth listening to. But why not start with me as an induction.

It is different than the ones produced over here.

Here is the episode…

Podcast – “Here’s the thing…” a conversation with Jonathan Freilich

Podcast – “Here’s the thing…” a conversation with Jonathan Freilich


Now host of Banjo Studio Podcasts- this week with Ryan Cavanaugh

I’m back to doing music interview podcasts. This time for This week is number 1- modern banjo virtuoso Ryan Cavanaugh about his journey to becoming one of the most innovative banjoists in history. 

Banjo Studio sells Deering Banjos, Collings guitars and accessories. They are at-

To get directly to the podcast-

ryan cavanaugh picture.jpg

The Language of Music: Jonathan Freilich

Before the month is out, I should remember to say a few words about this on the website.

Offbeat put some words in on the subject of the interviews.  Really the first they have printed about my musical endeavors since the 90s.

Laura DeFazio wrote the article.  When she did the interview I had no idea what it was for, so I was pleasantly surprised to get a mention in the current climate.  It was also nice speaking to Elsa Hahn while she shot the portrait pictured here.

Elsa Hahn

Elsa Hahn


The Itunes podcast, 'Interviews with notable New Orleans musicians' is back

Go directly to the new feed...

The itunes feed was down for some time while this site was revamped.  Now the old interviews are slowly going back up.  The podcast was initially conceived to ask deeper questions of musicians than what the standard music press, in its often genre-based, marketing centric, 'false-omniscience', tends to presume.  When these interviews  started several years ago, I had a distinct sense that musical awareness and interest was perhaps declining because questions were not being asked.  Things may actually have gotten even worse in music journalism than a few years ago when these interviews started.  

If you are interested in New Orleans's musical drivers plow on.  There are many that I haven't had the opportunity to interview yet but I hope to.  I try not to bias specific groups or styles but I have only had access to these figures so far.  Connections are unintentional as far as preference goes but sometimes it does expose a network or community which is of interest.

The podcast features notable figures that relate in some way to the current vibrancy of the New Orleans music scene and community.  It seeks to form a dialogue between ideas and motivations behind the music and the relationship of those ideas to the sound artifact being presented.  The podcast also addresses what the audiences' state of understanding is about the music and whether understanding is relevant to the "success" of the musical artwork at all.  



The real podcast had to be slightly renamed because of obscure problems with the iTunes store.  If you search and find two podcasts under the name, Jonathan Freilich,  the operational one will be 'Interviews with notable New Orleans musicians'  The podcast features the material from this site's 'Interviews with Musicians' page and showcases in depth interviews with well known and lesser known contributors to New Orleans musical life. To get there on itunes click here...
