Tonight!!!!-Naked Orchestra at Open Ears, Blue Nile
The band is back. Creative large orchestra music- filling the void in New Orleans. These musicians can take anything anywhere. if there was ever a project to be supportive of (with your presence...)
If you missed the last one you'd be crazy to miss this. and it's more bang for entertainment buck than you will find at the more famous local outlets.
Come find out about the Late Afternoon Breakfast. Find out what a Nullibist is.
Not your old time swing big band throwback- not remotely. Nothing is being kept alive that isn't showing full evidence of virile functionality.
Forward, into the future. Letting go of obligations to the invented phantoms inhabiting mental cobwebbed rooms...
All done with music.
There will be electronics.
Jimbo Walsh- conductor
Janna Saslaw-flute
Chris Kohl-clarinet
Steve Bertram-Bassoon
Martin Krusche-saxophone
Loren Pickford-saxophone
Brad Walker-saxophone
Ian McPhail-saxophone
Ray Moore-saxophone
Antonio Gambrell-trumpet
Scott Frock-trumpet
Rick Trolsen-trombone
Jeff Albert-trombone
Devon Taylor-tuba
Helen Gillet-cello
Jonathan Freilich-guitar
Carl LeBlanc-guitar
Nobu Ozaki-Bass
Doug Garrison-drums
Dave Capello-drums
That's a 20 piece band. Maximalist music for a hungry era.
In an earlier era- Naked Orchestra Mark 1-1996