with The Diesel Combustion Orchestra at Open Ears, Blue Nile, NOLA-2/10/2015

Playing Tuesday 10th of February at Open Ears with Dan Oestreicher's outfit.  Groove creative under the fiery drive of Dan- in town for a bit from endless touring with Trombone shorty.  Dan has put together a group some of the most interesting and distinguished musicians from across a couple of scenes.

The lineup is:

Dan Oestreicher- bass and bari saxophones (trombone shorty)
Roger Lewis-Baritone, soprano saxes
Steve Glenn-Tuba
Oops-Bass drum(soul rebels)
Doug Garrison-drums/percussion
Jonathan Freilich-guitar

The show is upstairs at the Blue Nile. For more info on the open ears music series...

I'm looking forward to this greatly! You'd be nuts to miss this, one week out from carnival and all that!