Conversations 2: on Tetro. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola

This was the first in a series of conversations on films with Professor Henry Griffin and the author of this site.  This first episode was about Francis Ford Coppola's film, Tetro, starring Vincent Gallo.  A great movie filmed in, and featuring Buenos Aires. The photography is striking as is the subject.

The relationship between film and sound is right in line with the fascinations that drive this website.  Loving film, we hope you will take a listen.  The conversations cover a lot of territory and contain much reflection on sound.  The podcasts are in a more focused than the meandering and exploratory conversations with musicians that are hosted here at Jonathan Freilich Presents, and suits the nature of the silver screened subject.  Originally these were hosted by  nolascape, Now they are here.




As usual ours are also on iTunes.  The conversations on film are as well.